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Savings and Offers

Save big with promotional discounts
on the supplies and equipment you need. 

Offer Terms: Add qualifying Performance Health items to your online cart and apply promo code to activate savings. Promotion code must be entered at checkout to redeem. Use promo code STARTSAVING for $10 off your order of $100+, SAVEMORE for $25 off your order of $200+ and receive free shipping, or SAVEBIG for $100 off your order of $500+ and receive free shipping. Discount will automatically be deducted after promo code is applied. Discount is only valid for in-stock merchandise. Discount expires 12/31/2024 at 11:59 pm CST or while supplies last, and is only available in the United States. Online only. Free shipping applies to standard ground shipping only, not applicable for expedited shipping speeds or large truck deliveries of capital equipment items. Discount subject to adjustment due to returns, cancellations, and exchanges. Not valid on prior purchases. May not be combined with any other offers or sales quotes. We reserve the right to end or extend this promotion at any time without notice. Customer is responsible for any and all applicable taxes and charges associated with returning merchandise. Not valid for wholesalers, distributors, dealers and/or resellers. Limit one use per customer.