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Performance Health

Supply Lists

Make Your Shopping Experience Easier!

• Supply Lists are accessible from any page, once logged in.
• Quickly re-order products that you use frequently.
• Keep track of products that you order.
• Create a list now and save time on future orders!

Why Should I Create a Supply List?

• When you're logged into your account, Supply Lists are designed to make your shopping experience with Performance Health easier.

• Supply Lists keep track of products that you frequently order and allow you to quickly re-order.

The videos below will show you how you'll benefit from creating Supply Lists, saving you time on future orders!

Get Started with Quick Supply List Videos

1. Benefits
of a Supply List

You can use Supply Lists to re-order supplies or create a list to share with colleagues and even patients.

Types of Supply Lists:
Personal Lists
Lists available only to the person who creates them, for personal use
Approved Lists
Managed by the account owner and approved administrators, allow all users to access on an account wide basis

2. How to
Create a Supply List

Ready to get started?
Learn how to create your Supply List and the various ways you can add products to your list!

3. How to
Share a Supply List

Share a Performance Health Supply List
with colleagues, patients, or their caregivers. It’s quick and saves your patients or coworkers' time by allowing them to skip browsing and easily order the right products.

Create Your Supply Lists Now

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