Pain Relief & First Aid
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September 7, 2021A bruise is formed when capillaries near the skin’s surface are broken following an injury. Medically referred to as a contusion, bruises most commonly occur on the arms and legs. This article discusses tips to get rid of bruises quickly and when they may indicate a more severe injury.
September 7, 2021
What is Dry Needling & Can It Relieve My Pain?
Dry needling treatment is used to relieve pain and movement impairments. Dry needling and acupuncture both use needles but they are very different practices. Dry needling can treat a variety of conditions in a variety of people. Learn more about dry needling in this article! -
July 26, 2021
5 Safety Tips to Prevent & Treat Inline Skating Injuries
Some of the most common injuries that occur when inline skating are fractures and sprains. There are many ways to reduce your risk of injury, such as wearing the right protective equipment or warming up the muscles. After losing your balance and falling on a hard surface, the RICE method can help treat injuries and speed up recovery. -
July 8, 2021
6 Exercises to Try After Leg/Ankle/Knee Cast Removal
After having a cast removed, it is normal to experience pain, stiffness, and decreased range of motion. Physical therapy helps promote better results for regaining muscle strength and range of motion. With the option to use resistance bands, here are 8 exercises that can help you get your lower extremities moving! -
July 8, 2021
8 Exercises to Try After Arm/Wrist/Hand Cast Removal
After a cast is removed, you might experience limited mobility, stiffness, or swelling in your arm, hand, or wrist. It’s important that you adhere to the exercises instructed by your physical or occupational therapist to properly regain muscle strength. With the option to use resistance bands or therapy putty, here are 8 exercises to ensure your arm function is fully restored! Looking for exercises after lower extremity cast removal/ankle or leg cast removal? Read more here! -
June 17, 2021
Keloid Scars: What are the Best Methods of Treatment?
Keloids are raised overgrowths of scar tissue that occur at the site of a skin injury. Keloids differ from hypertrophic scars in composition and size. Once a keloid develops, it is permanent unless removed or treated to reduce size. Certain measures can be taken to prevent more from developing. Find which treatment is the right one for your keloid scar! -
May 25, 2021
How to Shower & Swim With a Cast: Cast Cover Options & More
Broken leg? Broken arm? If you’ve got anything in a cast, it can be hard to take a bath or shower. Wondering what happens if a cast gets wet? It’s important to keep most plaster casts dry because contact with water can ruin them. Even waterproof casts can take a long time to dry after getting wet. Some people compare it with wearing a wet sock for a few hours. Yuck! To keep your cast dry while bathing or swimming, check out these four cast protector options! -
March 30, 2021
The Top 9 Exercises to Prevent Ankle Sprains
Did you trip and fall? Jump for the ball and land awkwardly? Accidentally had another person step on your foot? All these activities can lead to a painful sprained ankle. So how can you keep your ankles safe? Reduce your risk of re-injury with these exercises! So you can continue to live your daily life or stay in the game.
January 26, 2021
6 Post-Operative Abdominal Rehabilitation Exercises
You might be feeling restless after abdominal surgery and ready to get back to activity, but it's important you heal first. Recovery from abdominal surgery requires you to slowly rebuild your stomach muscles. These muscles might have been cut to access the abdominal cavity during a hysterectomy, a cesarean section, or an open hernia repair.
Fortunately, we’ve come up with a few tips and 6 exercises that you can do at home to help heal abdominal muscles after surgery!