
Try this 15-Minute Beach Workout Using a Resistance Band

Try this 15-Minute Beach Workout Using a Resistance Band

Try this 15-Minute Beach Workout Using a Resistance Band

Key Takeaways

  • If you’re looking to stay in shape on your next trip to the beach, this 15-minute workout offers more resistance and pushes you to work harder than in a traditional gym
  • The beach works muscles that aren’t used to strenuous exercise, providing natural resistance and tiring your body more quickly
  • Using a TheraBand CLX resistance band, this workout is broken into three parts: the lower body, upper body, and core
  • The same way you’d approach any new exercise program, start with low resistance and low speed

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With summer right around the corner, you might be planning to incorporate a beach workout in your fitness regimen. Exercising on the beach not only provides you with a scenic view, but helps you burn calories quicker. The sand requires more energy than working out on a hard surface.

Ready to get started? Get your sweat on with this 15-minute workout using a TheraBand CLX resistance band!

What are the benefits to a beach workout?

Exercising on the sand provides many benefits that can help you become stronger! If you're new to beach workouts, here are just a few benefits to consider as you plan your next trip to the beach!

• Natural Resistance

The sand offers resistance, making your workout more intense. When sand moves beneath your feet, it engages your ankles, arches, and calves. You also have to engage the stabilizing muscles of your core to compensate for the uneven surface. If you’re looking for a new challenge, take your workout to the beach!

• Fewer Injuries

Exercising on a hard surface can cause damage to your knees. The sand at the beach will help absorb some of the shock. It will also help strengthen the quadriceps, glutes, and hip flexors. The sand provides a better transition during exercise because the muscles must engage more therefore creating more stability for joints.

• Work Hard for Less Time

The sand makes you work much harder than you may be used to when you are at the gym or at home. Due to the higher demands on your muscles, coordination, and stability, your body tires more quickly. Because you're working harder, you won't have to work out as long.

Try this 15-minute beach workout!

TheraBand CLX Resistance Band with Loops is a latex-free, powderless professional-grade resistance training band. The band offers seven levels of resistance for customizable workouts that offer increasing difficulty with each new level. Easy to carry with you, try this 15-minute workout the next time you go to the beach!

Man working out using a red TheraBand in medium resistance

This CLX Band workout is broken down into three parts: upper body, lower body, and core. Once you’ve completed all the exercises in each portion of the workout, you’ll rest for 1 minute before moving on. After you’ve completed the core portion of the workout, option to repeat the exercises again to build up a little more sweat!

6 Upper Body Exercises

The upper body portion consists of 6 exercises, 45 seconds each with 10 seconds of rest in between.

Front Raise

  • Stand with each foot in one of the center loops of the CLX.
  • Place both hands in the end loops of the CLX and tighten your core.
  • Start with your arms at your side and slowly raise your arms in front of your body to shoulder height.
  • Return and repeat.

Bicep Curl

  • Place your feet in the center loops of the CLX band, holding the end loops in each hand.
  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding your hands so your forearms are parallel to the ground.
  • Keeping your palms facing up, raise your hands to your shoulders by bending at the elbow (keep your upper arms at your sides).
  • Hold briefly and slowly return to starting position.

Lateral Raise

  • Place your feet in the center loops of the CLX band, holding the end loops in each hand with your palms toward your body.
  • Keeping your knees slightly bent, raise your arms so that they are straight out to the side at shoulder level.
  • Slowly lower them back down to the starting position.

Upright X-Row

  • Place each foot into one of the center CLX loops and cross the CLX band in front of you forming an ‘X’.
  • Grip one of the end loops in each hand. Stand in a slightly bent over position.
  • Pull the CLX band up to about chin height, then return to your starting position.

Chest Fly

  • Start in a two-handed position, holding one loop of the CLX band in each hand, each hand separated by two loops.
  • Place the CLX around your back at chest height, then stand with knees slightly bent.
  • Extend your hands out, then bring them to the center of your body (keeping arms slightly bent).
  • Slowly return to the starting position.

Tricep Push Down

  • Start in a two-handed position, holding one loop of the CLX band in each hand, each hand separated by two loops.
  • Place the CLX band around the back of your neck.
  • Keep your elbows at your sides as you extend your arms until your forearms are parallel to the floor.
  • Press down until your arms are straight and your elbows are fully extended.
  • Slowly come back to your starting position.


6 Lower Body Exercises

The lower body portion also consists of 6 exercises, 45 seconds each with 10 seconds of rest in between.

Squat & Twist

  • Place your feet in the center loops of the CLX band.
  • Grab the end loops of the band (with an open grip), the end attached to your left leg should be in your right hand, and the end attached to your right leg should be in your left hand, forming an X in front of you.
  • Step out to your right and squat down, while moving your arms out in front of your chest.
  • Come back to the starting position and repeat with your left side.

Good Morning

  • Place your feet in the center loops of the CLX, holding the end loops in each hand.
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, with your knees slightly bent. Bring your hands up to your shoulders with your elbows in front of the band.
  • Bend at your waist while pushing your glutes back and keeping your back straight.
  • Return to the starting position and squeeze at the top.

Monster Walk

  • Place the middle CLX loops on your quads, above your knees.
  • Hold one end loop on each hand. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Step out with your right leg, then step together with your left leg and repeat.
  • Step out with your left leg, then step together with your right leg and repeat. Make sure when you step together, your feet remain shoulder-width apart.

Lateral Lunge

  • Place the middle CLX loops on your quads, above your knees. Hold one end loop in each hand.
  • Stand in an athletic stance with your feet shoulder-width apart and a slight bend in the knees.
  • Lunge to the side without allowing your knee to pass over your toes.
  • Return to your starting position. Switch sides and repeat.

Forward Lunge

  • Place the middle CLX loops on your quads, above your knees. Hold one end loop in each hand.
  • Stand in an athletic stance with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Get into a lunge position making sure your right knee does not go over the toe and bending your left leg, so your left knee nearly touches the floor.
  • At the same time extend your arms straight out in front of you.
  • Return to starting position. Switch sides and repeat.

Body Jump

  • Place your feet in the center loops of the CLX band, holding the end loops in each hand.
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, lowering into a semi-squat position.
  • Bring your hands up to your shoulder with your elbows in front of the band.
  • Jump upward while extending your arms straight overhead.
  • Landing softly, then jump up again while extending your arms.


4 Core Exercises

The core portion has 4 exercises, 45 seconds each with 10 seconds of rest in between.

Straight Leg Scissor Kick

  • Sit on the floor. Place the middle CLX loops on your quads, above your knees.
  • Lay on your back, extending your arms and legs out towards the ceiling.
  • Lower one leg towards the towards the ground (without touching the ground) and both arms overhead.
  • Return to your starting position and repeat with the opposite leg.


  • Sit on the floor and place the middle CLX loops on your quads, above your knees.
  • Place one hand in each end loop and lay on your back. Bring your right elbow to your left knee while your right leg extends.
  • Come back to the center.
  • Bring your left elbow to your right knee while your left leg extends. Come back to the center and repeat.

Bird Dog

  • Place each foot into one of the center CLX loops and hold one end loop in each hand.
  • Get into position on all fours, resting on your hands and knees.
  • Extend your left leg and right arm at the same time until they are parallel to the floor.
  • Slowly return. Switch sides and repeat the movement.

Oblique Plank

  • Sit on the floor and place the middle CLX loops on your quads, above your knees.
  • Get into a side plank position, balancing on one foot and one hand, keeping your shoulders and legs lined up.
  • Extend your other arm overhead, bring your knee and elbow in to meet, then extend your arm again.
  • Switch sides and repeat.

Tips to exercising safely on the beach!

The same way you’d approach any new exercise program, there are a few things to consider when working out on a beach. When you do an exercise on a hard floor, the surface stays put underneath you. When you do that same exercise on soft sand, the sand shifts and moves. Your body responds to this movement by firing up muscles and tendons that help create stability.

Woman in workout gear with back to camera standing on beach with arms raised up excitedly

You might also notice that your hip flexors work harder to pull your knee up because your foot is deep in the sand and pushing off digs it deeper. If you’re new to exercising on the beach, start with wet sand. It’s firm and provides you with a more stable base of support.

Whether its bodyweight strength moves or running, you’re going to work muscles you’re not used to working. Always start with low resistance and low speed, and gradually increase the difficulty based on how you feel. Be sure to warm up thoroughly before your workout and stretch afterwards to prevent stiff and sore muscles. You can also use a massage roller or pain relief gel to help reduce soreness and pain that may be experienced after exercise.

Woman in workout gear standing on beach drinking water from water bottle

Make sure that you’re wearing SPF 30 or higher when working out at the beach, particularly during peak sun hours (11am – 3pm). You should also bring plenty of water to drink before, during, and after your workout. For more tips on how to exercise safely in the heat, read this article.

Sport Sunscreen

Coppertone Sport Sunscreen Continuous Spray Bottle

Biofreeze Classic

Biofreeze Classic roll-on pain relief gel

TheraBand Roller Massager+

TheraBand Roller Massager+ in green with black handles


1. Lindberg, Sara. (2018). Why Beach Workouts Are the Perfect Way to Take a Vacation from Your Exercise Routine.HealthyWay. Retrieved from

2. Sinrich, Jenn. (2018). 6 Things to Know Before Doing a Beach Workout.Aaptiv. Retrieved from

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