Walker Accessories: This Season’s Hottest Looks

Walker Accessories: This Season’s Hottest Looks
July 7, 2019
Walker Accessories: This Season’s Hottest Looks

Maybe your walker makes you feel encumbered. Maybe you are self conscious. Maybe you feel like this tool that’s supposed to make your overall life easier, actually makes some things less convenient. But just like an outfit or a hot car, it’s all about the accessories!

Here’s the thing: people of all ages need and use walkers for a variety of reasons. But today, there’s no reason that your walker needs to look or feel like it is from a bygone era. Even more important than just looking cool, these accessories give your walker more features and make life easier for you.

1. Walker Cup Holder

Walker Cup Holder

Just like a locked and loaded car is going to have cup holders, your walker can too. With its insulating koozie, this cup holder is perfect for holding your drink and keeping it cool. It fits on any wheelchair, rail device, crutch, and of course, walker.

2. Walker Basket

Sammons Preston Economy Walker

Once the swelling has gone down, start lightly stretching the ankle. Progress to four-way ankle exercises. Once you can tolerate those without pain, add a TheraBand Resistance Band to increase difficulty and re-strengthen the ankle.

3. Walker Pouch

Walker Pouch

With its chic black color and double sided design, our most popular walker pouch is an excellent alternative to a basket. You can keep the more private items on the side that faces you, whether it’s your medication, wallet, or a bodice ripping novel with a provocative cover. The pouch’s vinyl material makes it easy to wipe down, making it quite practical.

4. Walker Tablet Holder

Walker Tablet Holder

Whether you’re Facetiming family or scrolling on Facebook, a walker doesn’t stop you from staying up on technology. This tablet holding clamp works with most popular tablets and allows for unlimited positions.

Walkers are great mobility aids and allow you to walk independently. But that doesn’t mean your walker has to look like everyone else’s. Stand out with these convenient products.

Medical Disclaimer: The information provided on this site, including text, graphics, images and other material, are for informational purposes only and are not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other healthcare professional with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your condition.

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